
If you’re a new member of the UAW, the New Member issue of Solidarity magazine will help give you a better understanding of how our organization f

The Big 3 Special Issue of Solidarity Magazine is now online!

“Today’s decision by Ford is the right decision for our members, their families and our nation. Under Vice President Gerald Kariem, the UAW Ford Department continues to work closely with our local unions and Ford to make sure that when we return to production all members are safe, and our communities are protected from this spreading pandemic.”

Wilma Liebman Hired as Chief Ethics Officer - Ethics Advisory Committee Announced - DETROIT – UAW President Rory L. Gamble and the International Executive Board (IEB) announced the appointment today of Wilma Liebman as the Union’s first-ever external Ethics Officer. Liebman is a distinguished public servant and expert in labor policy who served as the Chairman of the National Labor Relations Board under President Barack Obama from 2009-2011, having previously been appointed as a member of the NLRB by both Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush beginning in 1997. Additionally, the UAW has launched a new confidential Ethics Hotline for union members to report ethical or financial violations.
Sisters and Brothers, We have been notified today that two more members of our UAW family have fallen to the virus. One member worked at Ford Motor Company Dearborn Stamping and a skilled trades brother who worked at the Ford Data Center in Dearborn, Michigan. Our prayers and support go out to their families and communities.
My Brothers and Sisters, As always, I want to recognize and thank all of the brave men and women on the front lines of this crisis and extend my sincere sympathies to any one of us who is sick, or struggling with family or financial issues or loss in these difficult, dark days. In my message today, I want to report that we got some good news on several fronts.

DETROIT -- “We are happy to work with GM during this pandemic for the health and safety and good of our Nation as we collaborate towards the production of ventilators. The UAW has a proud history of stepping up in times of national emergency. General Motors should be commended for stepping up at a crucial moment in our history. At the UAW we are - all in - to find ways to partner together to flatten this curve and save lives.”

DETROIT -- The legislation unanimously passed in the Senate last night takes important steps for the Nation as we battle the public health and economic crisis stemming from this tragic pandemic. One of the main things that concerns UAW members is the package fails to provide front line workers with the health and safety protections necessary to keep them from contracting Covid-19. It includes no enforceable workplace standards and does not provide enough resources to frontline workers who are the first line of defense.
DETROIT -- The legislation unanimously passed in the Senate last night takes important steps for the Nation as we battle the public health and economic crisis stemming from this tragic pandemic. One of the main things that concerns UAW members is the package fails to provide front line workers with the health and safety protections necessary to keep them from contracting Covid-19. It includes no enforceable workplace standards and does not provide enough resources to frontline workers who are the first line of defense.
Last Night (March 25, 2020), the U.S. Senate unanimously passed CV3, a $2-trillion stimulus package to lessen the effects of COVID-19 on our economy and citizen’s health. This package is the largest in U.S. history. It is expected to pass in the House by Friday, March 27, 2020...